
育儿 2023-08-11 12:06:29 知道百科


1. How to say "牛" in English?

The English translation for "牛" is "cow". It refers to a female bovine that has given birth to at least one calf. For male bovines, the term "bull" is used.

2. The importance of cows in English culture

Cows have played an important role in English culture. They have been kept for milk, meat, and as draft animals for centuries. The country is famous for its dairy products such as cheese, butter, and cream, which are made using cow's milk. In addition, cows are seen grazing on the rolling green pastures of the countryside, which is an iconic symbol of rural England.

3. Cow idioms in English

The English language has many idioms related to cows. For example, "to take the bull by the horns" means to confront a difficult situation directly, while "to have a cow" means to get very angry or upset about something. There is also the saying "it's like milking a cow", which means that something is easy to do or repeat.

4. Popular English cow breeds

Some popular cow breeds in England include the Holstein, Ayrshire, and Guernsey. Holstein is the most common breed and is known for its high milk production. Ayrshire cows are a smaller breed and are known for their hardiness and adaptability to different climates. Guernsey cows are famous for their golden-colored milk and rich flavor, which is highly prized by cheese and butter makers.

5. Conclusion

Cows have played and continue to play an important role in English culture. From their place in the countryside to their contribution to the economy through dairy products, cows are an intrinsic part of the country's identity.


